Receiving Guidance
This image
popping out of my heart space
feeling the spring equinox, hearing the birds in my garden
tuning in my soul's depth, the core quality
of purifying and illuminating
of unifying, wholing and embodying
of bringing balance and justice
of Being in Love
with the Life essences of
earth and water, wind and fire, ether and cosmic light
the Indwelling Presence
Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form
I am partnering
the Gods and Goddesses in Godding through me
an image maker of feminine soul strength
my soul breathing in the God Field
in love with the Beloved,
but, who or what is SHE ?
the Seraph of Nissan, the angel of the equinox protecting the sap
moving forward, spreading her wings
the FigureHead of my vessel, a Guardian Spirit?
at the center of existence
a heart is beating with love
this love and light
drop nectar
dropping dripping drip drop drip.
dropping Dew, Holy Dew
the dew of the time "before Pesach", the dew of fertilizing
the old tight skin of curling in and covering up and waiting
let in, lift up
brush up, suck in, grow full, spread out, unfold
at the heart of existence
a blue bird makes its nest of love
this spirit finds matter, they mate
"how beautiful you are my friend, how beautiful"
Beauty ! Jaffa !
the beauty of centering in the heart, the beauty of communing
the beauty of the soul anchoring in the body
Fresh and Radiant
The beauty of being human: half angel, half animal
"Ma jaffa jerushatenou"
(how beautiful is our inheritance)
in the center of the body
of the Tree of Life is the home of the Earth Goddess of Wheat, she is
full of nourishment and purity
her see weed and branches, her wings and womb
her hair and eyes
are juicy green
the bonding
the pure yellow golden virgin olive oily light and the deep royal blue light
of feathers, waves, dolphins and snakes
matter and spirit
But beware of the mermaid, the swamp nymph, of Lilith and Medusa:
they are betrayed by the Gods
They left them. They exiled those powerful feminine forces
turned them into monsters and demons
in the past
Do not be afraid, the indwelling Presence is with us
Let's release them and honor their essence of being
protectors and seeers and keepers of
the elixir of Life
is the time, it is the right time
the fish body, the winged one's and the night beings
the sun-moon wisdom cycles, pathways and openings
wombing and weaving
not War
How beautiful are you my friend, how beautiful
(Hinach jaffa rayati, hinach jaffa. The Song of songs)
(see and hear the slideshow 'How Beautiful' in En -Spiriting the Body)
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Asleep and floating
in the depth of time
red ear, white hand and green olive branch appear
in eternal call and response embrace
'it is perfect, all is clear, you are loved and we are holy'
I hear
the four-fold song
through marrow, bone, blood and alive cells
whispering in my ear
where are you? Wake up, God is near. God is very near
I echo back
I am here Yes I am here
gratefully remember
this white hand
healing, hearing and speaking me/us all
into being
How good is it to listen, to let go and flow
A description of the process of receiving guidance while contemplating "the white hand" drawing.
Seeing the drawing as a body based way of dreaming and communicating healing
and a Fourfold song:
Contemplating "The White Hand" Drawing.
This "WHITE HAND" drawing appeared in Greece, during a masterclass week for artists, September 2013.
We were intending to visit Epidavros, the ancient healing center of Apollo, and Aesculapius and his daughters. I had seen a picture of a statue of Aesculapius holding his hand close to an ear of someone sleeping and dreaming. This image, of a hand invisibly touching, both drawing out and giving blessings, both redeeming and reviving. What a powerful healing image. This image, of a blessing hand, is always with me. But I do not speak about it. I have more paintings with white hands. I stored the drawing in a map. I made pictures, stored them in my archive. And forgot them.
Then in January, Shura Lipovsky sang a new song of comfort and indestructible love during a concert in Amsterdam. Using a Yiddish poem of distress, loss and death. In which a white hand appears. She shared her sense of love and support of the white hand, a hand of God ? That is what I heard. It touched me deeply, brought my "white hand of God" back to life in my heart. So, I searched for the image in my archive and chose one morning to contemplate on it. Connecting the white hand, with my heart and inner ear, the bones, blood and the olive leaf. Inquiring, what is happening here?
Then I started writing and listening.
I hear and see the last lines of the Adon Olam prayer/song, composed by Ibn Gabirol:
"Into God's hands I entrust my soul, when I sleep and when I awaken.
As with my spirit, my body too. God is with me, I do not fear."
This white hand tells me "God is with me I do not fear". It is a good hand. A hand made of light.
Pure and firm and big enough to hold all of me. The hand is alive. The hand speaks. To me.
The hand is huge. A white and wide embrace.
Fear? I do not fear, I do not feel fear. But I know, I hold and hide.
Fear is deep, repressed and out of reach. Fear in the bones. Memories of being deserted, feeling no support, no ground. Being silenced. Holding myself tight. Petrified.
Especially when I feel "lost", not seen and in deep waters, not yet drowning, not yet touching on firm ground either. This hand is lifting me up into invisible worlds. Carrying me. I am travelling with God in between worlds. This hand is also the hand of a holy protection. The hand of a deathless, fear-less, essential primordial condition/state/realm. Basic Trust. In this hand I can let go that deep fear.
I hear: It is perfect. All is well.
There is nothing to hold onto. Not onto a self centered arrogance of "I know". Not onto an isolated self- sense of deficiency either. A being utterly vulnerable and undefended. Unconditionally loved:
You are loved.
This white hand holding the olive branch speaks: all is clear. The flood is over, we can live on dry land, make peace, enrich each other. Sanctify life. Yes, we can: for we are holy.
This: "it is perfect; You are loved; all is clear and we are/I am holy", is Reb Zalman's fourfold song. Harmonizing with and remembering the Presence of Source in all the four worlds. It is like a mantra for me. I sing it often. And so it appears here.
This hand is not a thing, an object, an image. My hand connected to my body, heart ad soul, and to the drawing and singing, and feeling, my hand is connected to the hand appearing on paper, they are both blessing the mystery of life. They meet, they dream me into healing and wholing.
This drawing, reminds me: do not forget to trust the white hand. Let the white hand guide you.
Let go of fear, be all ears and hear, the eternal call and response embrace. Say yes," I am holy",
yes "we are holy". It is good to be here and let go.
By contemplating and allowing body based associations and imagery to inform and inspire me, the drawing comes alive in me, unacknowledged self attachments and fears can be seen and released. The images, turned into living qualities and "personified", can bring healing and guidance. Encouraging me to surrender more. And literally, physically they point to yet unaware restrictions and fright. For me they point to the bone anchor of the throat, the tongue and areas in and around the ears. The base of the skull and neck. Those areas hold so many frozen fears! For years and years.
Art-making supports healing and revealing, but it can not "undo'" deep tissue blocks alone. Cranio-sacral treatments and Feldenkrais movements are very supportive in allowing the life force to flow free. I am grateful for all these "skills" and practices on the spiritual journey Home.
A Fourfold song
There is one who sings the song of his own life, and in himself he finds everything, his full spiritual satisfaction.
There is another who sings the song of his people. He leaves the circle of his own individual self, because he finds it without sufficient breadth, without an idealistic basis. He aspires toward the heights, and he attaches himself with a gentle love to the whole community of Israel. Together with her he sings her song. He feels grieved in her afflictions and delights in her hopes. He contemplates noble and pure thoughts about her past and her future, and probes with love and wisdom her inner spiritual essence.
There is another who reaches toward more distant realms, and he goes beyond the boundary of Israel to sing the song of man. His spirit extends to the wider vistas of the majesty of man generally, and his noble essence. He aspires toward man's general goal and looks forward toward his higher perfection. From this source of life he draws the subjects of his meditation and study, his aspiration and his visions.
Then there is one who rises toward wider horizons, until he links himself with all existence, with all God's creatures, with all worlds, and he sings his song with all of them. It is of one such as this that tradition has said that whoever sings a portion of song each day is assured of having a share in the world to come.
And then, there is one who rises with all these songs in one ensemble, and they all join their voices. Together they sing their songs with beauty, each one lends vitality and life to the other. They are sounds of joy and gladness, sounds of jubilation and celebration, sounds of ecstasy and holiness.
The song of the self, the song of the people, the song of man, the song of the world all merge in him at all times, in every hour.
And this full comprehensiveness rises to become the song of holiness, the song of God, the song of Israel, in its full strength and beauty, in its full authenticity and greatness. The name "Israel" stands for Shir el, the song of God. It is a simple song, a twofold song, a threefold song and a fourfold song. It is the Song of Songs of Solomon, shlomo, which means Peace or wholeness.
It is the song of the King in whom is wholeness.
Vol.11, pp. 458-459.
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One World, One Voice, One Heart beating
experiencing the power of awe.
the ONE-ing of me, all of me, is you, is you and me
is all of life of living matter, all life is energy
One-ing into the One
Becoming a clear vessel for Divine Light Breathing
through depths into depths into depths
the Ever Present Origin
making a nest full of golden seeds
to give, to share, to plant
God seeds. Love seeds. Light sparks
on earth, in water, through wind and air and space, with fire
to become fully human
make the impossible possible
in me
and you, and all of us
Make Peace. Make Whole. See a bigger picture. Change perspective.
Become a vessel materializing
Love and One-ness consciousness
Choose Life Cherish Life Celebrate Life
Seeing Reb Zalman z"l, dancing, with his Shtreiml on, in outer space
(A Shtreiml is a fur hat of a Chassid, a devoted religious Jew, worn on Shabbat
or special occasions and Holy Days.)
In response to reflections and musings posted by Rebbetzin Eve, on the Caring Bridge list, in October,
I wrote:
"Oh Dear Eve, your writing touches a deep cord of synchronicity. The words "Delight", "what memory is true", "my own version", "artistically modified version", "freed from the hold of gravity", "the ship of my body", "umbilical cord", " what is true prayer" remind me of a profound experience recently.
On Columbus Day I visited with Reb Goldie Milgram the Air and Space museum in Washington DC,
October 12. Being in the museum is a miraculous experience of itself. We were just in time to watch in 3D the pictures the Hubble Telescope took of the universe, the nebulae, stars and formations. Many, many, very many light-years away. I sing in myself "Through Time and Space Your glory shines", Baruch Shem kevod malchuto le olam wa ed.
In the audience I noticed "frumm" people. It is still Sukkot: Holy time.
The stars and space clouds, spiraled in and out THROUGH my body/mind presence sitting in a chair in
the dark. I am watching and becoming the telescope in space. The telescope, a vehicle full of mirrors.
The astronauts were mending the mirrors. Well, my mirrors were mended too, clear and functioning.
One-ing me towards the One.
Then, a furry brownish fuzzy fir like rim appeared en- circling around a diamond bright shining star-core light, radiating in all directions. This furry rim was whirling soft and wild. In the center glowed a dancing bright light. I saw a fur hat around a bright light Presence. A Head? A Body? A Body of Light?
I saw Reb Zalman z"l with his Shtreiml on, dancing.
Wow! I saw his eyes beaming with light in De-Light, shining, Joying bright. I saw all the many masters, the tzaddikiem, with him. In utter Joy. The Berditchever Rebbe, Reb Nachman, The Baal Shem Tov.
The Ari, the RaMak, Shimon bar Yochai. In utter Joy, Jichud-ing. One-ing.
Pouring out their radiant light as a fountain of blessings. Empowering. Very Heart warming.
I am Awe-ing. They are Godding.
In this air/space/spirit "world", I am made of light too. Magic. I am In utter Delight. Out of my ordinary mind, in soul/God connectedness. It is like "I am prayed", this cosmic Godding prays, is praying on.
I poke and speak, "Goldie, I see Reb Zalman's Shtreiml, do you see what I see"? We laugh. Yes she sees the Shtreiml too, yes we both feel we are becoming marinated in his/this radiant vibrant Presence.
I feel so grateful that I could/can directly experience THIS.
On Columbus Day ! Discovering new universes. Together.
In the past I saw Reb Zalman z"l pray, I saw and was with him in utter Joy. His presence empowered me. Invited me to see through his eyes into the light, to draw near "in your Light do we see light". He endowed me with trust and courage to open up even more. Expanding awareness."
This I wrote to Eve.
Experiencing the power of awe. Here and now. This is about Receiving Guidance.
A direct experience of Divine Light and Enspiriting the Body.
This is shattering all my self- images. I am crying and aching and sighing too. Grieving the past and what I thought was/is me, and was/is "real".
I was called often, when I was small, a "Luft Mensch" (not so positive, was meant to call me back to so called practical reality). Now I can say, Yes, I am air too. My entire being can receive air/breath, being breathed. Embodying this whirling space light.
"Through Time and Space Your Glory Shines... Baruch Shem Kevod Malchuto le Olam wa ed"
I surrender in awe. Feel a passionate devotion. I pray: Let the spiritual Beauty manifest. Let me become a clear vessel. May my seeing become clear enough to touch the core-essence.
A few days later, after having arrived home, I center in this light. Recall the experience. And express my memory artistically. While making a "touch-drawing" (Deborah Koff's method), I felt like being in the 3D film again, flowing with the star constellations in the universe, sculpting, spiraling. Forming, reforming, expanding, contracting. Receiving blessings. Discovering I am building a nest full of golden eggs in Space!
I touch the light and bring it down on paper, in my movement, in my body cells. The light shines through me. Radiating, dripping and whirling out from the depth of white Space, the Void, the Milky Way, the galaxies. The Great Mystery. One-ing. Breathing me in, breathing me out. Breathing me open. Opening. Grounding me in Openness.
My belly button/navel is in connection with the cosmic navel. One Heart beating. The round pillar of light in the center is as the umbilical cord-connection. Appearing as a huge field of connectedness. Uniting above and beyond with down here on earth and underneath. Depths in depths in depths are appearing. Zooming in, zooming out, airing in, airing out. One-ing. Paraphrasing Ram Dass, "Be AIR now".
Did I materialize this experience in my drawing? Do I transmit this One-ing? See for yourself.
Let my words be pointers. Let the Hubble images and my drawing touch your soul. Go with the light. May you discover how the universe is praying you into being and inviting you to embody your essence each moment a new. Add music which reminds you of being united in the One. Listen to wisdom teachers who can accompany you on your journey through all the worlds/universes.
May we all be blessed by Breath, fresh air, clear imagery and an unconditional love-embrace to experience in every cell of our body this Spirit Essence.
We can polish our mirrors. We can become clear vehicles. And remember what Teilhard de Chardin
long ago said:
"A Human Being is not a human being with spiritual characteristics. A Human Being is a Spiritual Being with human characteristics."
Becoming spacious and light. Very very wide.
With a Heart so wide as the Heavens.
May the pictures the Hubble telescope took (and still is taking) of outer Space and stars and formations, embrace and inspire. Teach us to treasure each day.
In the words by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel: "Get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed.”
Let us remember our Body/Mind Being is Made in Space.
Rooted and connected to Infinite Space.
We are capable to open up to wondrous new possibilities. See differently. Treating our body differently. Leaving old limited beliefs and self -images behind. Experiencing universes in universes in universes. The love and wonder for this beautiful universe, this cosmic ocean of love, will whole us, God us, renew us, into wonderful, colorful beings of light and love. We can choose living through the heart. We can embody Spirit. Experiencing our bodies, our human embodiment as rays of light in form. We are called "Gehers", walkers, doers, talkers, travelers, guests on this planet earth. Endowed with imagination and visions. And with the capability to be aware.
We can step out of the box, the closet, the cave, our prisons and constrictions. We can stop to be attached to our limitations and weaknesses too. We can stop separating and hating. We can open doors and windows. Letting Light and love come through us.
We can. Yes we can. We may, we must, we will, we shall.
Remember: we shall do and listen. Listen, listen, listen. Remember.
We are One World, One Voice, One Heart Beating.
So, let us sigh, pause and breathe. Let our head drop into the Heart. Really listen. Let the hands and mouth express, touch and caress. May light see through all your cells, bringing peace and ease. Let your life on earth evolve full of wonder and connectedness.
Bring One-ness into your Body/mind awareness.
Let us anchor THIS (it is like "finding the keys to the Kingdom" and the pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow-bridge).
Breathe In. Out. And In and Out. Slow. Pause. Release. Let flow. Naturally. Softly. Let the Breath breathe you. Sense your whole body/mind as a field, a container, a vessel being breathed. Warm and safe. Whole.
At Peace.
See this cosmic radiant Light above, around and in you. This light seed, core, flame, soft white invisible light. Way above your head, drawing down this light out of the Mystery, touching your body field, touching your crown, nesting in your heart-space and belly and touching your sitting bones and feet. And circling all around you.
Become a candle to hold the light. (Neshamma ner Ha Shem, the soul is the candle of the God-Light)
Feel the Heart melting. Seeing the Great Spirit. Being Godded, God Godding on. Expanding. Grounding in Openness. Every cell in the Body breathing light and love. Let it happen. Receive the Light/Love in and wide. One-ing with the universe. Weightless and in tune with all the elements. Held and free. Floating in the waters of life.
Feeling a direct connection. Sensing the power of Awe, the Awesome. The Awesomness of life around and within us all. We are cosmic beings.
Made of star dust, space whirls, winding, spiraling, radiating into form, forming, reforming on. And on. Spaceous and light. THIS is mind blowing. We are all and nothing.
Dancing in the Light. Seeing the bigger Picture. Feel the earth move under your feet. Be fully present in your body/mind.
Surrendering in this ocean of love. Taking on responsibilities to matter. Materialize. Touch and Transmit. While in transit. Turning and Returning again. Becoming a Re-Source. Give. Share. Do what you can to bring Wholeness and Peace into the world you participate in.
May you become a clear spiritual vessel. With open windows and doors and mirrors. Mirroring light. Embodying Spirit.
I searched through the images of the Hubble telescope.
This image triggered me, the fur/hat/head into dancing.
"We are One world, One Voice, One Heart beating"
(Sue Kirkpatrick)
Posted on the website, Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan. (october 25 2014).
Entering winter, ending the High Holiday month of Tishri. I am harvesting and integrating, coming down into the reality of autumn, of less day-light and winter storms. At home in the reality of my own life. Warm. Slow. Grateful. Open. Serving life as best I can now.
Resting in the One. "One-ing on".
Here are some references
• The song by Sue Kirkpatrick "We are One World, One Voice, One Heart beating" you can find here:
• You can watch the movie IMAX Hubble 3D / Space Flight on You Tube:
• For pictures taken by the Hubble Telescope:
• About touchdrawing, see:
• About cosmic mirroring see:
• For expanding consciousness informed by astronauts and wholeness/the Shift work towards conscious living: explore the institute of noetic sciences:
• For the One-ing, Yichud practices study and learn from Chassidic Masters. Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan shares the teachings of Rabbi Yitzchak Luria in Meditation and Kabbalah. Do not practice this on your own.
• For Soulwork and discovering the layers of the body, the worlds and soul dimensions see on this website SOULWORK and the 5 layers of Soul.
And see: Polishing the Mirror: How to Live From Your Spiritual Heart by Ram Dass. (Book)
• For a Multi-Dimensional Guide to Energy Anatomy, Grounded Spirituality and Living Through the Heart see The Gift of the Body by Jonathan Goldman on
• See for philosophical visions: The Ever Present Origin by Jean Gebser. Works by Aurobindo, Teilhard de Chardin, Jean Housten. David Bohm, Erich Fromm, Gregory Bateson, Joanna Macy.
Thig Nhat Hanh and many other peace keepers.
The works by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, especially: Paradigm Shift.
Prayer Towards the One
Invocation given by Murshid Hazrat Inayat Kahn, The Sufi Invocation
Toward the One,
the Perfection of Love, Harmony, and Beauty,
the Only Being;
United with All the Illuminated Souls,
Who form the Embodiment of the Master,
the Spirit of Guidance.
Three Prayers by Vimala Thakar.
Life Purified
Through my Am-ness
a tiny figure, I have come to BE
of that Dynamic Rest, wherein
even the motion
of other motions
comes to seek Rest
So very Spontaneously,
a tiny moment, I have come to BE
of that Eternity, wherein
even the sense of time
steps back from the door
on its own
Through Self-same-ness
a tiny form, I have come to BE
of that formlessnes, on which
all the seekers contemplate and
in which all forms are conscious
So very Unknowingly
that soundless sound, I have come to BE
words by themselves
have gone into Silence
even that Primordial word
hesitates for a while
So very Effortlessly
that state of utter sacredness,
I have come to BE
that Holy state, wherein
Liberation itself kneels in Prayer
and wherein even
Nirvana itself is at the threshold
asking to be let in!
IN the Kingdom of Awakening
"Today" is the extension of this moment
"tomorrow" the romance with imagination
"Yesterday" the memories glorifying the Dead
while as
In Truth
the Past-Present and Future
Yesterday-Today and Tomorrow
are all illusions of the mind
It is all a play of imagination
Can Life
be caught in the frame of expressions?
in the clutches of symbols?
Can Life
be bundled up
in the covers of Is and Is not?
- Yes and No?
Can Life
be reduced to shreds
by slicing it through
with the knife of this moment?
I say
see the illusion of
the mind
In the very understanding of the mind
is the birth
of that which is beyond mind
In the discontinuance
of the repetitive mind
is the explosion of Awakening
In that unbound and unfragmented
Kingdom of Awakening
Time disappears
In that vibrant touch
of the Awakening
space too is lost!.
Kindle the Light of Wisdom
Kindle the light of wisdom in your hearts
and may the darkness of ages be dispelled
Banish the bridge
between the Past and the Future
and thus
cleanse the soot of time
that is gathered within
Face the challenges of
the daily life
as they arise from moment to moment
and in those relationships
see yourself reflected as you actually are
let The Supreme Spirit
that permeates every cell of your body
burst forth into flowering
from every pore of your BEING
Selection of poems on a calendar "In the Freedom of Silence"
Published by Bookfund Vimala Thakar Holland 2002.
Visual Prayer for letting the Primordial Light beyond light IN,
down in a straight line and like
the rainbow
colors, the embracing lights
of creation.
From the Point of Essence,
through the middle and flowering expanding with
a prayer,
may all beings
our, yes OUR
bringing our GOD SELF into form
and shaping and shaping
gracing us down to the bottom.
while letting the light IN and Up and IN at the fontanel above, breathing the Light down to the crotch,
up and down.
My hand flows and waves rivers and colors into
cellular listening
blessing what comes.
Staying centered in the middle and open,
from above and from below.
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for text
Corpus callosum
into the essence of matter, matter-ingin in in in in in in in and on and on IN
the base,
the buttocks open,
opening into the cave
in the middle, the hollow empty fullness,
the mystery of birthing, of emptying,
becoming a body, some-body, no-body, all bodies
this body BOAT of transiting the waters, THE PRIMORDIAL OCEAN
Carried by a PEACOCK or SWAN, a FROG, SNAKES and Apes too.
The animal soul vitalizing and animating the Light/Love soul into this body of now.
Seeing, being seen, this Cosmic bony flowy mothering vibrating sounding Ahhhhhhh.
Ohhhhhh, this CELLULAR memory of light splitting in two, in four
forming and cutting
into a cross section
I hear MA Saraswati's, call with her gourd/veena
making ripples and nipples and juice.
Let the saps rise.
Ohhh, ahhh, ommmm Aim Shreem Hreem, may the essence of SELF,
the One with plenty of water, of healing, of purifying, of blessing
the work of creation.
This very first light
the heart beat of the cosmos, the axis mundi, may the Tree of Life
descend, incarnate, enlighten us,
adding Life to Life, Upper and Lower
through the middle
You and me and us all together in
the Cauldron of Creation
Ken, Jehi Ratzon
(May it be so)
Full moon in Leo, Tu b'shvat 2016.
Guardian Angel
The White Hand
ONE - ing
The First Light